Floral Tea Series


Floral tea is a great combination of taste of tea and aroma of flowers, which is an enjoyable of many. Floral tea is known as good for moisturizing of skin and cleaning of digestive system.

Raw honey is very high in nutritional value, which is the best quality among honey. It possesses natural flavonoids, various kinds of minerals, amino acids and enzymes. When mixed with floral tea, it could help with sleeping and relieving tension, as well as improving overall blood circulation.

Hong Kong Raw Honey Floral Tea Series:

Damascus Rose Tea x 4packs

Germany Hibiscus x 4packs

French Lavender Tea x 4packs

Damascus Rose Tea

Ingredients: Rose Buds, Red Dates, Goji Berry


  • Whitening skin,
  • Improve blood circulation

Germany Hibiscus

Ingredients: Thousands Days Red, Hibiscus, Rose Buds


  • Cleaning and facilitating digestive system

French Lavender Tea

Ingredients: Chamomile, Osmanthus, Jasmine, Lavender


  • Relieve tension
  • Stabilize emotion

How to use for a cup of 350ml

(1) use boil water (90 degree celcius), pour into a cup, add in the floral tea bag and let it sits for 4 minutes.

(2) at this time the temperature should be below 60 degree celcius, add in raw honey based on the flavor and sweetness that you preferred

(3) every tea bag could be used 2-3 times

According to ancient Chinese herbal records, floral tea is good to lung, liver and kidney. Modern medical study has also prove that when consume floral tea daily, it helps to clear eye vision and moisturize the skin.

  • No preservatives, No additions, 100% natural
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Storage Put in dry and cool place and avoid direct sunlight.

There are many kinds of floral teas, it is advised to choose the best suited for your preference and body conditions.

Could be kept for 12 months


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