Java Cotton Honey 500g

From: $278.00

上一年疫情之前,跟朋友到了柬蒲寨 🇰🇭 的一個有機爪哇木棉林,與當地蜂農 Mr. Sophan 交流,拜訪他們於磅針省的蜂場。從朋友身上,認識到柬埔寨發展歷史不長,所以國家很多地面積都是農田和森林 🌳 自然環境理想。而去探訪的,是一望無際的爪哇木棉林,出產的是口味獨特,單一蜜源的當地「爪哇木棉樹原蜜」。





原蜜 5 – 10 15 – 20 25 – 30
潤肺 Yes Yes Yes Yes
止咳 Yes Yes Yes Yes
消炎 Yes Yes Yes Yes
改善睡眠 Yes Yes Yes Yes
營養成份 More Less Less Less
調節腸胃問題 Yes No Yes Yes
腸胃炎 Yes No Yes Yes
胃潰瘍 No No No Yes
加熱壓縮 No Yes Yes Yes
碳足跡 No Yes Yes Yes
保健功效 Yes No Yes Yes

  • 原蜜含有豐富的營養成份,其中還包含被喻為自然界最佳抗氧化劑的類黃酮素,具有強力的抗氧化作用,能去除過剩的活化氧,能抗衰老,有助保健凍齡。
  • 天然香港蜜糖抗菌性強,每天食用一茶匙,有效對抗疲勞、舒緩咽喉疼痛、預防感冒、調理腸胃,減小疾病的困擾。
  • 每年流蜜量受天氣如颱風影響,每瓶味道或略有不同,且收成有限,售完即止。





注意: 不宜供一歲以下嬰兒服用天然蜂蜜


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Wooden Honey Spoon

Made from woods of Black Walnut Trees.

Together with Teak and Mahogany, Black Walnut Tree is considered one of the three finest quality woods in the world, and is very suitable to be made as honey spoon for the following reasons:

  • its medium to hard comfortable texture - can resist molding and wearing off
  • smell-less, which will not affect the flavor of honey
  • the premium dark brown color just gives the feeling of nature and nobility

If you send our honey as a gift to your loved ones, don’t forget this spoon which makes it a perfect set!

Raw Honey Bag

When Hong Kong craftsmen meet
Felix, a Hong Kong local brush pen writer, wrote the Chinese words "Raw", "Honey" and "Hong Kong".
The different colouring of the words are like different components in the nature, gold representing flowers in bloom, the deep and light blue representing the sky and the river. Raw honey inside the bag represents a gift from nature, with appreciation of hard work by the lovely honey bees.
I wish you all like this bag and the design, with love.

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Want a discount? Become a member by purchasing (皇牌產品) 龍眼原蜜/龍眼蜜 500g, 荔枝原蜜/荔枝蜜 500g 家用裝, 鴨腳木樹原蜜/鴨腳木蜜 (冬蜜) 500g 家用裝, 鴨腳木樹原蜜/鴨腳木蜜 (冬蜜) 220g, 荔枝原蜜/荔枝蜜 220g, (皇牌產品) 龍眼原蜜/龍眼蜜 220g, 世界品蜜系列 - 爪哇木棉樹原蜜 500g, 桉樹原蜜/桉樹蜜 500g 家用裝, 桉樹原蜜/桉樹蜜 220g, 茶花蜂花粉 100g, 2021 情人節限定《Bean to Bar - Rose Seiryu 青龍》, 世界品蜜系列 - 向日葵原蜜 220g, 世界品蜜系列 - 爪哇木棉樹原蜜 220g, 世界品蜜系列 - 薰衣草原蜜 220g, 「BEE」Gift Set, (聖誕裝) 龍眼原蜜/龍眼蜜 220g, (限量) 鴨腳木樹巢蜜 220g, 母親節禮盒, 得獎原蜜禮盒 - 龍眼、荔枝、鴨腳木原蜜 50gram, 原蜜漬老陳皮 150g, 《蜂藝》- 蜂蜜甜酒, Ivy Tree Raw Honey 500g, Ivy Tree Raw Honey (Winter Honey) 220g, Raw Honey infused American Ginseng 150g, Lychee Raw Honey 500g, Longan Raw Honey 500g, Lychee Honey 220g, Longan Raw Honey 220g, Java Cotton Honey 500g, Eucalyptus Raw Honey 500g, Eucalyptus Raw Honey 200g, Camellia (Tea Flower) Pollen, Seiryu - Raw Longan Honey with Rose 65% Tanzania Chocolate, Java Cotton Tree Raw Honey 220g, Sunflower Raw Honey 220g, Lavender Raw Honey 220g, (Limited) Ivy Tree Raw Comb Honey 220g, Mother Day's Gift Set, Raw Honey Gift Set - longan, lychee and ivy tree raw honey 50gram, Raw Honey Infused Tangerine Peel or Raw Honey Infused Ginger!
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經香港標準及檢定中心(STC)和香港通用檢測認證 SGS,證實香港原蜜出產蜂蜜沒加工加熱、不摻糖、不含鈉、沒有抗生素,且不含農藥。


  • 含維生素 B6 – 製造抗體及白血球的重要營養素
  • 含維生素 C – 維持T細胞功能正常,維持免疫功能的運作
  • 強肺、護肺 – 傳統醫學- 蜂蜜歸肺、脾經,有滋潤肺燥功用。身體長期缺水或肺部缺水,會影響呼吸道健康,甚至容易染上肺部疾病
  • 調節腸胃 -人體70%嘅免疫細胞位於腸道,而腸道內細菌有助於調節免疫力,食用蜂蜜能維持腸道健康




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